By Josh Verlin (@jmverlin)
Hey there, CoBL readers —
With the 2024-25 preseason officially underway and the countdown to the regular season under six weeks, I felt it was an appropriate time to write a little letter and let you all know what to expect from the coming months, as well as provide an update on our fundraising efforts.
During last year’s season preview months (October/November), we ran 85 individual high school team preview stories, eight high school league previews, three dozen Big 5 preview stories, five small-college features, and another dozen round-up and non-local features — right around 140 stories in total in a 60-day span.
My hope is that we’ll be able to produce a similar amount of content this preseason, though in somewhat different ratios.
One thing you’ll notice about this preseason is there will be less of an emphasis on Division I coverage; we’ll make sure we write about each of the Big 5 programs, men’s and women’s, as we approach November 4, but likely only one feature on each program, instead of three or four. Instead, we’ll save some of the interesting Big 5 player features for during the season, focusing more on that angle of covering the city rather than basic game recaps.
We’ll be devoting more attention to high school team previews: I’d like to get at least 100 different teams featured on the site before Dec. 1, including a mix of the annual powerhouses and some programs we haven’t gotten to write about as much in recent memory.
We also want to make sure we’re getting to a little more of the area’s small-college teams both in the preseason and during the season. The area has a number of high-quality Division II and Division III squads that we want to be sure to shine more of a light on during this season.
(All of our preseason coverage will be found at this link; that page will be more built out by the end of this week)
But in order to do all of that, we still need your help, and we need it badly. For those who are unaware, our full-time journalism staff is currently down to one, and we also will not be able to afford a nighttime editor this season, so there’s much more on my plate this season than there was previously. As we don’t have the steady income at the moment to hire someone else of quality full-time, we’re leaning heavily on a group of experienced freelancers — Owen McCue, Joseph Santoliquito, Rich Flanagan, Andrew Robinson and others — to help us keep the coverage bar high.
We’re also working behind-the-scenes with a number of high school and college students who we hope can contribute to the organization before long, as part of our non-profit mission to train the next generation of sportswriters.
Back in February, CoBL announced its first-ever dedicated fundraising campaign. Our goal was to raise $50,000 during the calendar year of 2024, all of which would go towards paying our freelance writers to cover hoops during the 2024-25 season. At the same time, we announced — and have now implemented — a pay rate raise for all of our freelancers, to better compensate them for the hours and hours they spend on every story that appears on the website.
And while our events side continues to grow, led by our awesome events’ director Steph Garafolo, the reality is that continually rising costs across the board — and our hesitation to charge too high of a price for teams to participate or for spectators to come watch — mean that those events generate less net revenue than they might appear.
As of Sep. 24, 2024, we are currently at $24,000 raised from the Philadelphia basketball community. That’s just shy of halfway to our goal, with three months remaining in the year. If we don’t reach our goal, that means we won’t be able to cover as much basketball as we want. That’s dozens or hundreds of stories that go untold, which has a real impact on the young men and women who are trying to use basketball as a path to get to college, and to give them a boost throughout their lives.
To help CoBL reach its goal, please consider donating to us through one of our various channels. Every dollar helps!!!
We have PayPal for one-time or recurring donations, a Patreon page for smaller monthly donations, accounts on Venmo (@CoBL215) and CashApp ($cityofbasketballlove), or you can just send us a check, made out to CoBL, to 614 Fairview Road, Narberth PA, 19072. Put “donation” in the notes and it’ll be automatically counted towards our contributor campaign.
We have a great group of freelancers who want to work for CoBL as much as we can afford to use them. But they can’t work for free. Please help us reach our goal and continue to cover basketball into 2025-26 and beyond.
Josh Verlin
City of Basketball Love
Co-founder, Editor-In-Chief
Tag(s): Home Old HS Recruiting Contributors Events Catholic League Public League Recruiting HQ Donofrio Classic Jeff Neiburg Jeff McDevitt Garrett Miley Teddy Bailey Josh Verlin Archives Jack Goodwillie Jeff Griffith Andrew Koob Aron Minkoff Anna Pitingolo Tom Reifsnyder Ari Rosenfeld Suburban One Inter-Ac Friends' League Mitchell Northam Matt Trabold 2015 District 3 Stephen Pianovich Michael Bullock Rich Flanagan Anthony Dabbundo Eugene Rapay PIAA Rankings Exposure Camps Team Events Will Slover Season Preview Write for CoBL Austin Petolillo Tyler Sandora 2016-17 Preview Owen McCue Zach Drapkin Pioneer Athletic Central League 2017-18 Preview Kevin Callahan Support Christy Selagy Ryan Coyle Kayla Yoegel Jerome Taylor Division I Big 5 Villanova Temple Penn Saint Joseph's La Salle CoBL 5 Delaware Drexel Penn State D-Ii D-3 College Division I Division II Division III Matthew Ryan Kevin Cooney Zak Wolf Sean McBryan High School Women's Joseph Santoliquito Jason Guarente Andrew Robinson Ty Daubert Missy Dougherty Joey Piatt Temple Drexel La Salle Penn St. Joe's Villanova Sam Istvan Rob Rose Meghann Morhardt 2021-22 Preview Chad Graham Jared Leveson Donofrio Classic 2025 Profiles Jacob Nguyen 2026 Profiles 2027 Profiles Jordyn Palmer Molly Rullo Emily Knouse KJ Cochran Shareef Jackson Stephon Ashley-Wright Quinn Boettinger Grace Galbavy Jessie Moses Ryan Carter Kaylinn Bethea Jaron McKie Kai Shinholster Luke Bevilacqua Dior Carter Cameron Smith Manny Butts Kasey Fleming Donovan Fromhartz Kevair Kennedy Devin Booker Gabe Tanner Alexis Eberz Megan Rullo Ryann Jennings James Brenner Oben Mokonchu Silas Graham Jake West Ian Williams Derrick Morton-Rivera Nasir Ralls Milan Dean Jr. Grace McDonough Janie Preston Shayla Smith Logyn Greer Haylie Adamski Will Riley Atlee Vanesko Justin Houser Jordan Dill Larry Brown Jake Sniras Rian Dotsey Olin Chamberlain Jr. Jordan Ellerbee Colleen Besachio Megan Ngo Nal'la Bennett Mikey Mita Onyx Nnani Luca Foster Drew Corrao Brandon Russell Mani Sajid Keni Williams Cameron Wallace Jayden Forsythe Munir Greig Zane Conlon Tommy Kelly Rocco Westfield Owen Kelly Britt Mariani Max Moshinski Torrey Brooks Zaahir Muhammad-Gray Kody Colson Nick Parisi RJ Smith Ryan Mulroy Olivia Jones Tyler Sutton Zion Green Jayden Kelsey Jacob Meachem Kaiya Rain Tucker Aidan Langley Matt Gilhool Patrese Feamster Brendan Horan Sanyiah Littlejohn 2022-23 Preview Former Contributors Bella Bacani Riley Davis Reynah Rattliff Addison Levensten Hayley Kolk Taylor Lasky Charlotte Aldridge Mike Livingston 2023 Donofrio Classic Carryn Easley Amya Scott Reginna Baker Ethan Johnston Abigail McFillin Emilia Coleman Boys HS Bicentennial League (B) Bristol Calvary Christian Church Farm Collegium Charter Delco Christian Dock Mennonite Faith Christian Jenkintown MaST Charter Morrisville Phil-Mont Christian Plumstead Christian Renaissance Charter The Christian Academy Valley Forge Catholic League (B) Archbishop Carroll Archbishop Ryan Archbishop Wood Bonner-Prendergast Cardinal O'Hara Conwell-Egan Devon Prep Father Judge La Salle College HS Lansdale Catholic Neumann-Goretti Roman Catholic St. Joe's Prep West Catholic Central League (B) Conestoga Garnet Valley Harriton Haverford High Lower Merion Marple Newtown Penncrest Radnor Ridley Springfield (Delco.) Strath Haven Upper Darby Ches-Mont (B) Ches-Mont American (B) Great Valley Kennett Oxford Sun Valley Unionville West Chester Rustin Ches-Mont National (B) Avon Grove Bishop Shanahan Coatesville Downingtown East Downingtown West West Chester East West Chester Henderson Delaware Valley (B) Academy Park Chester Chichester Interboro Penn Wood Friends' Schools (B) Abington Friends Academy New Church Barrack Hebrew Friends' Central Friends' Select George School Germantown Friends Shipley School Westtown School Inter-Ac (B) Episcopal Ac. Germantown Ac. Haverford School Malvern Prep Penn Charter SCH Academy Pac-10 (B) PAC-10 Frontier (B) Phoenixville Pope John Paul II Pottsgrove Pottstown Upper Merion Upper Perk PAC-10 Liberty (B) Boyertown Methacton Norristown Owen J. Roberts Perkiomen Valley Spring-Ford Girls HS Public League (B) Public League A (B) Audenried Bartram Constitution Dobbins Imhotep Lincoln Mastery North Math, Civics & Sci. Overbrook Sankofa West Philadelphia Public League B (B) Boys' Latin Central Eng. & Sciences Frankford George Washington Maritime Northeast Olney Palumbo Robeson Simon Gratz SLA Beeber String Theory Public League C (B) Ben Franklin Fels First Philadelphia (B) Future Martin Luther King MaST Charter II Parkway CC Philly Electric (B) Roxborough Sayre Southern Strawberry Mansion Tacony Academy Vaux Public League D (B) Belmont Charter Bodine Edison Esperanza Franklin LC Franklin Towne Freire Charter Hardy-Williams Hill Freedman Kensington Mastery South Masterman Penn Treaty Prep Charter Public League E (B) Bracetti Philadelphia Military GAMP KIPP DuBois Mastbaum Tech Motivation Phila. Academy Parkway Northwest Parkway West Randolph Rush Science Leadership Swenson Tech Friere Suburban One (B) SOL Colonial (B) Central Bucks East Central Bucks South Central Bucks West North Penn Pennridge Souderton SOL Freedom (B) Cheltenham Lower Moreland New Hope-Solebury Springfield (Mont.) Upper Moreland William Tennent SOL Liberty (B) Abington Hatboro-Horsham Plymouth Whitemarsh Upper Dublin Wissahickon Quakertown SOL Patriot (B) Bensalem Council Rock N. Council Rock S. Harry Truman Neshaminy Pennsbury Other Girard Phelps School Chester Charter Cristo Rey New Foundations Octorara Camden Perkiomen School Bishop McDevitt Holy Ghost Prep AACA Gwynedd Mercy Merion Mercy Mt. St. Joseph Villa Maria Villa Joseph Marie Bicentennial League (G) Bristol Calvary Christian Collegium Charter Dock Mennonite Delco Christian Faith Christian Jenkintown MaST Charter Morrisville Phil-Mont Christian Plumstead Christian Renaissance Charter The Christian Academy Catholic League (G) Archbishop Carroll Archbishop Ryan Archbishop Wood Bonner-Prendergast Cardinal O'Hara Conwell-Egan Lansdale Catholic Little Flower Nazareth Academy Neumann-Goretti St. Hubert's West Catholic Central League (G) Conestoga Garnet Valley Harriton Haverford High Lower Merion Marple Newtown Penncrest Radnor Ridley Springfield (Delco.) Strath Haven Upper Darby Ches-Mont (G) Ches-Mont American (G) Great Valley Kennett Oxford Sun Valley Unionville West Chester Rustin Ches-Mont National (G) Avon Grove Bishop Shanahan Coatesville Downingtown East Downingtown West West Chester East West Chester Henderson Del-Val (G) Academy Park Chester Chichester Interboro Penn Wood Friends' Schools (G) Abington Friends Academy New Church Barrack Hebrew (G) Friends' Central Friends' Select George School Germantown Friends Shipley School Westtown Inter-Ac (G) Agnes Irwin Baldwin Episcopal Academy Germantown Academy Notre Dame Penn Charter SCH Academy PAC (G) PAC Frontier (G) Phoenixville Pope John Paul II Pottsgrove Pottstown Upper Merion Upper Perkiomen PAC Liberty (G) Boyertown Methacton Norristown Owen J Roberts Perkiomen Valley Spring-Ford Public League (G) Public League A Audenried Central Eng. & Sciences Freire Charter Imhotep Mastery North Northeast Parkway Northwest Simon Gratz Public League B Constitution Franklin Towne George Washington Girls High Hardy-Williams Lincoln Mastery South Palumbo Parkway CC Penn Treaty Philadelphia Academy Sankofa Freedom Public League C Bartram Belmont Charter Bodine Frankford Kensington Masterman Motivation Olney Overbrook Prep Charter Science Leadership Tacony Academy Public League D Dobbins Edison Fels Future GAMP Martin Luther King PET Charter Robeson Roxborough Rush West Philadelphia Public League E North Bracetti Esperanza Hill Freedman MaST II Mastbaum Tech Parkway West Randolph Swenson Public League E South First Philadelphia Franklin LC KIPP DuBois Philadelphia MIlitary Sayre String Theory Strawberry Mansion Southern Suburban One (G) SOL Colonial (G) Central Bucks East Central Bucks South Central Bucks West North Penn Pennridge Souderton SOL Freedom (G) Cheltenham Lower Moreland New Hope-Solebury Springfield (Montco.) Upper Moreland William Tennent SOL Liberty (G) Abington Hatboro-Horsham Plymouth Whitemarsh Quakertown Upper Dublin Wissahickon SOL Patriot (G) Bensalem Council Rock North Council Rock South Harry S. Truman Neshaminy Pennsbury Other (G) Sacred Heart 2023-24 Preview